STRENGTH (Clean -then- Jerk)

Set up so that you have a rack for the bar.

10 rounds, increasing weight as able.

Squat clean from low hang (just above knees), once finished set weight in rack.
Rest 1 Min.
Take weight from rack and Split Jerk it.


Complete as many rounds as you can without breaking up the reps.

1st Round:
2 x Pull-ups
30 second rest
5 x Push-ups

1 Min Rest

2nd Round
4 x Pull-ups
30 second rest
10 x Push-ups

*Continue increasing Pull-ups by 2 and Push-ups by 5 each round.  If you come off the bar, or have to break the push-ups, then finish the round and be done.  Make sure you stay strict with the rest.

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