Wednesday, 17 APRIL 2013

Announcements - we will meet in the '62 room, warm-up, and then get after it!

Equipment required - Bring your jump rope, also grab medicine balls and kettlebells of appropriate weight when you arrive.

Warm-up and instruction - we will start with 5 minutes dedicated to working on double-unders!  Then we will review the points of performance for wall balls shots and kettlebell swings and give everyone a chance to practice.


The team did an AWESOME WOD that CF215 calls the "Soul of a Lion" - it is an intense smoker!  In order to fit our equipment available, I modified it slightly to a West Point edition.  Assistance given to the author verbal discussion with Micah of CF215!  (thanks for the idea CF215)  Sorry in advance to Erin, Caleb, and RK for a blast from the past!!

100 x double-unders (3:1 sub for single unders)
15 x burpees
30 x wall ball shots (20/14)
30 x kettlebell swings (53/35)
15 x burpees
100 x double-unders

Post number of rounds and partial rounds complete to comments.


R.K. Barker said...


Mickey said...

wow that one looks painful. unfortunately i will have to attend a reg sensing session with the RTO tomorrow morning, and have survival swimming testing later in the morning.

Nate said...

Got through a full round + the double unders + 8 burpees.

All my jumps were split between singles and doubles.

That one was rough.

jck said...

1 round + double unders + 10 burpees

As RX'd.


R.K. Barker said...

I just could not get double unders this morning, they were coming in sets of 5, unbelievable. I got one full round plus 90 double unders, I think I actually preferred the 500m row.

Adam said...

Great to see a big crew taking on a tough one!

1 round + 21 wall ball shots as rx'd

2nd round was TOUGH..especially the double-unders then burpee suckfest.


Matt said...


I forgot to post yesterday's. With 100lbs DB and 20lbs MB, 14:48.

Today's using a 70lbs KB. I left my DU at home. I kept tripping on myself. 1 round + 100 DU

Unknown said...

It was a bad idea to do a TRX workout last night, it hurts to move now. I got one full round plus single unders plus 15 burpees and one wall ball.

jswobe said...

This looks like fun. Cannot wait.

I have to know -- what did the original WOD look like?

Adam said...

jswobe - originally WOD had 500m row instead of double-unders and it was 1 round for time. CF215 uses it as a quarterly benchmark. Their rock stars typically hit between 6:20 - 7:45 for one round.

double-unders are less taxing than rowing, but I think you can continue to row at a decent pace even when smoked...whereas double-unders when smoked are tough...especially when you have to do 200 for end of 1st round, beginning of 2nd round

jswobe said...


I hadn't thought about the back to back DUs in the AMRAP cycle. Ouch...that's a lot of DUs.

I need to get a rower!

jswobe said...

Changed this a little bit, since I'm in a hotel...

For time:

100 x DUs
15 x burpees
30 x thrusters (~20-lbs)
30 x bench press (on the hotel machine)
15 x burpees
100 x DUs


Doing that as an AMRAP would have been rough. Another 100 DUs would have hurt...