Thursday, 11 APRIL 2013

Announcements - we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room, please arrive as early as possible to claim our space.  It is a two part WOD, so ensure you leave enough time for both parts!

Equipment required - wrist watch, lifting platform, barbell, and reflective belt

Warm-up and instruction - Matt and I will walk around to ensure everyone is tracking on the points of performance for the power clean.  For the warm-up, start light and work your way up to the WOD weight.

For time:
30 x power cleans (135/95)
Run 1 mile (route = Lincoln Hall Loop)

NOTE:  Constantly running clock - start your watch when you begin the power cleans and stop it when you hit the light pole in front of Arvin after the run.
NOTE2:  Scale as needed to maintain intensity. The power cleans should be challenging, but shouldn't take you more than 7-10 minutes to do.

Post time to comments.


Adam said...

small, but mighty crew this morning!

14:16 as rx'd

Power cleans were tough!

Mickey said...

More swimming tests today. Needed my legs for swimming w/ the flc and weapon.

R.K. Barker said...

Worked out with Caleb and Chandler this morning for Navy.

3 rounds for timee:
10 dumbbell snatches, 50 lbs
15 goblet squats, 50 pounds
20 hand-release pushups

4:41 as Rx'd.

Then we did 5 rounds of run 400 meters, I would rest while Chandler ran and then go.

Nate said...

Scaled down to 115... 135 was just not gonna go up 30 times.

Adrienne said...

13:20. I finished my cleans too fast - shoulda gone heavier.