Friday, 19 APRIL 2013

Reminder - Save the date -  10 May - 21 Gun Salute - WOD for Warriors Memorial Day Edition

Announcements - this morning we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room.  Please try to arrive as early as possible so we can claim enough space.

Equipment required - lifting platform, barbell, and appropriate weight

Warm-up and instruction - Matt and I will circulate among groups to provide coaching tips on both the clean and snatch.  Warm-up with a light load and work towards your starting weight.

WOD - partner or triple up to save space

You have 2 choices for this WOD.  Take your pick and go for it!

Option #1 (recommended for intermediate folks) - Clean Complex (courtesy of CF215)
7-7-5-5 reps of the following sequence:

Power clean, hang power clean, front squat, and shoulder to overhead - that's 1 rep, repeat this sequence 7 or 5 times.  You must do all the reps unbroken for it to count.  If you put the barbell down and release your grip, then that set doesn't count as prescribed.

Option #2 - (recommended for advanced folks) - Snatch Complex
5-5-3-3 reps of the following sequence:

Power snatch, hang power snatch, and overhead squat.  Once again it has to be unbroken or it doesn't count.

NOTE1: Barbell starts from the floor at the beginning of each sequence.
NOTE2:  Rest as needed between sets.  


Caleb McDaniel said...

Here is a good link to watch if you are going to do the snatch
It is from Coach Burgener who is an excellent coach.

jswobe said...

I love the bear-style oomplexes! Awesome...

Nate said...

Conveniently got tasked to observe a UA. Again.

Got in a run tonight, though. Ran up to the PX, down past Michie, around buffalo soldier, down to the river courts and back up, around the mile loop we usually run, and back to the barracks. Apparently that's only 5.12 miles according to Mapmyrun, so not quite as long as I thought it would be, but oh well.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

jck said...

H1 Sandhurst was first out of the chute. Nels and I cheered them on and then went for a run. (Yes Jared actually ran twice in one week)

From Comms house to Shea stadium, up ODIA Hill, to the O club, stop at Ike Statue.

A short run.

R.K. Barker said...

That was fun. I did the snatch complex. 45 pounds, 55 pounds, 65 pounds, 95 pounds. Limiting factor is flexibility/mobility, gotta work on that!

Adam said...

great crew this morning! Jared - twice in one week? What is next, the cadet half-marathon?!?

I got CRUSHED this morning with the clean and jerk complex.

I did: 7-5-5 at 115 lbs. - I intended to do 7-7-5-5 but it quickly became evident that a 2nd set of 7 wasn't going to happen!

Since I cut the WOD short, I spent the remaineder of the time working on squat snatches. I hit a PR of 115 lbs. on the squat snatch, which is +30 lbs. from prior PR!

Have a great weekend and best of luck to the Sandhurst teams out there!

Unknown said...

Tried the snatch complex, started off with 55, and the second set was 65,the 3rd set got tough with 95, then tried with 105 and couldnt get the hang power snatch up. Got my weight up on overhead squat,went up +30 from the first time I did them. I was smoked at the end though.

Mickey said...

disappointed i missed this one.

Got 27 out of 30 on the ACU swim though.

175 yards. Needed only 10 more to max so i might test again. rough seas today in the wave pool

Mickey said...

This afternoon worked up to:
Deadlift 4x300#
Press 3x120#

50 L-Pullups
Took me 9 Sets - 10,8,7,5,4,4,4,4,4

Caleb McDaniel said...

I pretty much did 45min of Snatch skill workout instead of the rep scheme. I needed to do that.