Tuesday, 7 MAY 2013

Today we have WOD#2 of Partner WOD Week!  We will meet at Shea Stadium at 0540, warm-up and get after it!  This is similar to last year's WOD, but with a focus on abs to give our muscles a break from Murph!

Overall concept for this WOD  In the endzone of the football field, one person will do max reps of the designated exercise while the other person runs 100 yards and back.  Upon return, call out number of reps complete and your partner sprints the length of the field and back.  After both people have completed the run, you will finish the round by fireman's carrying your partner to the 50 yard line, then switch and they will carry you back to the start point.  After returning from the fireman's carry, you have completed the round and move to the next round, which has the same exact concept, with a different exercise.  Keep a running total of reps complete.

5 Rounds for Time:

Round 1 - Exercise = flutter kicks
Round 2 - Exercise = rowers
Round 3 - Exercise = sit-ups
Round 4 - Exercise = mountain climbers
Round 5 - Exercise = plank hold (no 'reps' counted but if not held for entire time partner is gone, 30 second time plenty where both partners pause and hold a 30 second plank)

Score = total reps/time (in seconds) x 1000

NOTE:  If we have an odd number of people, then you will form a team consisting of 2 people and 1 person.  When the slowest of the two people return from the run, then switch out.  For fireman's carry, between the 3 people, go 75 yards instead of 50 yards, with each person doing a 50 yard leg of carrying.

Cash-out - once complete, run a partner mile for time - each person runs a 400 meter leg (1 lap) and then tags out with their partner.  Each person runs 2 laps.

Compare to similar WOD from last year: 8 MAY 2012

Post partner's name, score, total reps complete, and time to comments.  Also, post time for bonus round if you decide to do it.


Mickey said...

I'll be swimming tomorrow morning in preparation for Thursday's 10 minute swim for distance.

Adam said...

great to see everyone this morning at the track!

I teamed up with Matt and Lil Jon and we completed the WOD in 14:25. Not sure about our total.

As for the cash-out - we were at 5:47 (I believe).

R.K. Barker said...

I have the Air Assault Validation Obstacle Course and two mile run today, hope it goes well! Sorry to have missed this one, looked good.

Matt said...


It was fun with everyone there this morning. We did 143 reps and Adam has our mile time correct.

jck said...

With Nels
215 reps with 11:45

1 mile run - 5:56