Monday, 9 September 2013


We will meet in Arvin's 3rd floor weight room at 0530.  Please jog up to the room as part of your warm-up and claim as many bars as possible (we will not necessarily need the squat racks...just floor space for Clean and Jerks).

Warm-Up: After jogging up to the 3rd floor, do 2-3 rounds of:
- 3 Pistols (per leg); to scale, stand beside and hold onto a bar or machine to help you balance
- 6 Good Mornings
- 9 Tuck Jumps
- 12 Arm Circles (6 forward, 6 backward)

WOD: Death by Clean and Jerk (135/95)
- Start by doing one Clean and Jerk and then use the rest of the first minute to rest and re-set.  Every minute on the minute you will add one rep and keep going until you are no longer able to complete the required amount of reps in the minute allotted. 
**If you cannot do the prescribed weight, scale to a weight that would allow you to try to complete approximately 6-8 minutes of this workout.  If you know your 1 Rep Max for Power Cleans and Push Jerks, try to use about 70-80% of your 1 Rep Max.

Post WOD: Burpee Challenge
- Complete 50 Burpees for Time
**We will have to run the WOD in heats based on the number of people who show up.  As soon as you finish the Clean and Jerks, rest for about 3-5 minutes and then start the Burpee Challenge.

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