Thursday, 29 August 2013

Announcement:  The on-Ramp class will meet in the 62 Room at 0530.  The regular class will meet in Arvin's 3rd Floor Weight room at 0530.

Recommended Warm-Up:  Work on Double Unders (bring a jump rope or share).  If you have Double Unders, do 20 DUs on the minute for 5 minutes.  We might have some jump ropes coming soon for the club, but stay tuned for more information.  If you are looking to purchase a jump rope, we will post info on recommended speed ropes that work the best for Double Unders.

WOD:  Power Cleans 5-5-3-3-1-1
***Start with an empty bar to warm-up and then slowly start adding weight for sets of 5.  Once you find a weight where a set of 5 is challenging for you, count that as set #1.  Keep adding weight as appropriate, and try to build up to find your 1 Rep Max.

METCON:  21-15-9:
Thrusters (60% of your Power Clean 1RM)
KettleBell Swings with dumbbells (53# for men / 35# for women)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good wod today, I got up to 165 on my power clean and did 95 pounds for the thrusters. Looking forward to tomorrow!